Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Chuckie vs. LMFAO

I don't know much about this song, and only recognise one of the names in the title in the form of LMFAO, but after hearing it on radio 1 today it just had to be shared right away. MTDT will let you know when it's learnt any more about this tune.

Chuckie VS. LMFAO - Let the bass kick in Miami bitch

Monday, 9 November 2009


Searching for a song that i liked and wouldn't get bored of, really did pay off last night. I've not heard much from this artist but the guy really has give a good first impression.
This even got played mutiple times at a cricket club party and still went down a treat. A must must must have!

Boris Dlugocsh - Bangkok

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Get Me Some Money Too

I thought I'd take this time to introduce myself; being a new member of the MTDT family 'an all!

I mainly associate myself around house and tech, something a bit different from the usual MTDT genres. Different being good!

A pretty darn good, old song (in more ways than one) to start my epic adventure into the wonderful world of MTDT. It was originally sung by Lillian Green in the 1930s sometime and still makes an absolutely awesome tune in modern days.

Gramophonedzie - Why Don't You